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Netscape 2.01 & JavaScript


Question for JavaScript hackers:

This is the quote from the "Netscape:Security Enhancements" page (at

    Another feature of JavaScript is the ability for a server script
    to list files and directories. In Netscape Navigator 2.0, a
    JavaScript application could list the file names and directories
    on the user's machine. Although JavaScript applications cannot
    view or change the contents of any local files or directories,
    being able to list file names and directories is a privacy
    concern. Navigator 2.01 fixes this problem by refusing to allow a
    script from a server to view file names and directory listings on
    the local user's machine.

    With the UNIX version of Netscape Navigator 2.01, specifically the
SunOS 4.1.3_U1, a JavaScript "exploit" example can still read and
display the root filesystem in a window to me (e.g.:
http://www.c2.org/~aelana/javascript.htm ).  My question is this
... is that information unavailable to the server [convince me] and
only available to display in a client window, or is the bug still
there?  The "Disable JavaScript" button does take care of this, of
course, but I am wondering whether I am misreading the above
paragraph, if this is a non-problem, or if there is still a "privacy
vulnerability" in Navigator 2.01.

- -- 
Rob Jenson, Sr. Systems Engineer, Hughes STX Corp.
NASIRC (NASA Automated Systems Incident Response Capability) 
E-mail: jenson@nasirc.hq.nasa.gov F:(301) 441-1853 V:(301) 441-4266
Snail: Ste. 400, 7701 Greenbelt Rd., Greenbelt, MD 20770
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